空中乘务员中国广州招聘会 (2024年10月19日及10月20日) - 驻香港基地 (新人入职奖金港币15,000元)

Job no: 497610
Work type: Full time
Location: Hong Kong SAR
Categories: Cabin

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Flight Attendant Recruitment in Chinese Mainland - (Based in Hong Kong)
空中乘务员內地招募活动 (驻香港基地)

HK Express is Hong Kong’s first and only low-cost carrier, always offering great value, affordable fares on one of the youngest and most modern aircraft fleets in the world.

Like you, and just like many people across Asia, we love to travel and discover new places across the world’s most diverse and dynamic region; and at HK Express, we’re opening up new travel experiences that inspire and invigorate millions of people across the region we’re proud to call home.  Everything we do is focused on encouraging the spirit of adventure. Our routes provide the inspiration and spontaneity to try somewhere new, disrupting monotonous modern life. As we continue to open up new routes, often in secondary and emerging destinations, our passengers will gain access to an incredible range of places, exploring hidden gems and experiencing local cultures.

We have a diverse and vibrant team that embodies the adventurous spirit of our customers, and loves to travel too. Join us in this journey to make your career even more fulfilling and rewarding.


像您一样,我们热爱旅行,我们期待与您一起发掘世界上最多样化、最具活力的地区——精彩纷呈的亚洲; 在香港快运航空,我们开拓新的旅游体验,启发和激励无数旅客。 我们专注鼓励探险精神,我们的航线提供灵感,让人们随心探索不同地方,打破单调的生活。 随着我们进一步开拓更多新兴的目的地,旅客能够飞往更多前所未至的地方、探索隐藏的宝藏并体验当地文化。

我们拥有多元化、充满活力的团队,代表了旅客的探险精神和对旅行的热爱。 加入我们,一起开启这段旅程,让您的职业生涯更加充实和有意义。

Recruitment Day Time 招聘会时间
Please select one session below and arrive on time 请选择以下其一并准时到达

  • Date 日期: 19 Oct 2024
    Time 时间: 02:00p.m.

  • Date 日期: 20 Oct 2024
    Time 时间: 09:30a.m.

Recruitment Day Venue 招聘会地点
Address: Hilton Guangzhou Tianhe (No.215 Linhe Xi Heng Road Tianhe, Guangzhou, 510500, China)
地址:广州天河希尔顿酒店 (广东省广州市天河区林和西横路215号)

Role Purpose 工作职责

  • To carry out inflight safety and security procedures
  • To conduct in-flight food and beverage sales and duty free sales
  • To work as a team to deliver customer services activities to fulfill the passengers' needs and enquiries
  • 执行机舱安全工作
  • 提供机上餐饮及免税品销售服务
  • 以团队合作形式提供机舱服务

Requirements  应聘要求

  • The People's Republic of China Passport or Macau/ Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport holder
  • Minimum age of 18
  • Bachelor’s degree or above, or high school graduate accompanied by at least 1 year of flight attendant experience
  • Minimum arm-reach of 208cm on tiptoe
  • Physical fitness to pass the pre-employment medical assessment
  • Fluency in English and at least one Asian language
  • Have obtained one of the following valid English Proficiency qualifications:
    - CET4 English proficiency test score 425 or above;
    - TEM4 or above;
    - TOEIC score of 325 for both reading and listening or above (within 2 years);
    - TOEFL score 60 or above (within 2 years);
    - IELTS 5.0 or above (within 2 years)
  • Previous experience in an airline, hospitality or service industry would be advantageous
  • No criminal record, meeting the relevant requirements of aircrew background checks
  • 持有中华人民共和国护照或澳门/香港特别行政区护照
  • 年满18周岁 
  • 大学本科或以上学历, 或高中学历且具备一年以上空乘经验者
  • 单手踮足摸高可及至208厘米
  • 成功通过职前体检评估
  • 流利英语及最少一种亚洲语言
  • 已达到下列其中一种英语能力评估要 求
    • 全国大学英语四级考试成绩在425分(含)以上,或
    • 取得英语专业四级以上,或
    • 托业(TOEIC)阅读和听力均达到 325 分或以上(有效期内), 或
    • 取得新托福60分(含)以上(有效期内), 或
    • 取得雅思5.0分(含)以上(有效期内)
  • 拥有航空公司、酒店或服务行业经验将优先考虑
  • 无犯罪记录,符合空勤人员背景调查相关要求

Benefits 福利

  • Competitive salary
  • Flexible schedule
  • Travel benefits with airlines around the world for you and your family (up to 8 family members)
  • Health and insurance benefits
  • Training and development with world-class training team
  • Opportunities for rapid career advancement
  • Our team will assist with your relocation in Hong Kong
  • 具竞争力的薪酬
  • 灵活的排班计划
  • 您和您的家人(最多达8 个家庭成员)将获得多家航空公司的机票优惠
  • 健康保险福利
  • 世界领先的安全与服务培训
  • 快速晋升机会
  • 我们的团队将协助您搬迁到香港


Relocation 居住和签证

To provide more flexibility, you can choose to reside in any city within the GBA if the commuting time between your place of residence and Hong Kong International Airport is less than 90 minutes.

We will also assist successful candidates to apply for employment visas in Hong Kong.




Advertised: China Standard Time
Application close: China Standard Time

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